Latest Episodes
December 24, 2022
An Introduction To Sub Frenzy
Sub Frenzy... What is it? What could possibly go wrong? I also have a Facebook Page! Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
January 07, 2023
What Is Sub-Drop?
Sub-Drop can be like a drug user coming down from a high. What happens and how can caring for each other afterwards prevent it? ...
January 21, 2023
Shame and Bullying
Bullying others to make themselves feel better is not cool. Shaming others tears them down. Let's talk about ways to build, encourage, and be...
February 04, 2023
Lets Chat About Scenes!
When you hear the word "scene", most people think of a play or even a scene from their favorite TV show, play, or movie....
February 18, 2023
Our Discussion On "The Lifestyle"
People all live different lifestyles. Let's talk about the lifestyle of kinky sex and Christianity! If you prefer video content, check out the YouTube...
March 04, 2023
Lets Dive Into The Community
Community is a feeling of togetherness. It's important to know what it is and what it's about! If you prefer video content, check out...